Sign Petitions

URGENT: Please send your petition to save Springside Park and STOP the unreasonable intrusion of mountain bikers building a complex and hurtling down your hiking trails in their claim that it is "passive" recreation simply supplanting a baseball field. It is not passive--reports have already been made by walkers and hikers having to leap off the trails taken over by bikers (some illegal trails). This harm is one of the definitions of "aggressive" use not atypical by mountain bikers, who themselves state they love the thrill of speed in this very dangerous sport which they can already play on nine other existing Berkshires trails! Who will protect the rare species, the warblers who use Springside as a fly zone, and all the creatures from fawns to foxes that call this natural gem home, and who deserve our protection? Email now: Write your local councilors, representatives, the mayor, the Boston Globe. Last chance may be Sept. 21st at the proposal meeting expected to pass by your city parks commission--with no vote from your councilors. Act now, please, or listen to bulldozers and watch increased bike traffic in this place of quiet refuge. Thank you for defending Springside Park!